Using Minix with docker-compose
This post is mainly aimed at students within the Operating System module of the TSBE (HF Informatik & Telekommunikation Bern)
You have to make sure you have installed docker desktop or docker CLI and docker-compose to get started.
Use the following docker-compose file to get your local MINIX environment up and running.
version: '3.9'services:tsbe-minix:image: madworx/minix:latestvolumes:- ./transfer:/tmp/transfer
To start the container, you can run “docker-compose up -d” from your working directory.
What does it?
We define the service “tsbe-minix” with the image “madworx/minix:latest” and mount our local “transfer” folder into the minix operating system under “/tmp/transfer”.
How to connect?
Open Docker desktop, navigate to the “tsbe-minix” container and hit the open console button.
What next?
Now you can edit all files within the transfer folder with your preferred IDE (e.g. Visual Studio Code) and run it with your freshly installed minix distribution.